Golden State NRW
FS Golden Moonlight/Donchester/Valento
2009 Westfalen stallion
148cm Dunalino
Approved for all GRP studbooks
Breeder: Dietmar Boom
Owners: Shena Cornett & Melissa Mulchahey
Not only is Golden State a very successful pony in sport, he is also currently the best producing sire available fresh in NA!!
As a sire, Golden State has made his mark in the competitive world of German Riding Ponies in Europe. He is the sire of no less than 6 licensed sons only having stood in Germany for 2 season!! His children and grand-children have also collected accolades by the dozens: Licensing winners, Premium stallions, States Premium daughters, Bundeschampions, Foal Championship winners and reserves, and more.
His competition career started off very young with a reserve championship at the German Foal Championships in 2009. At his licensing in 2011, he was named Premium and the following year he was the 3yo Westfalen Champion and Bundeschampion – his high score of 9.56 still holds the record today.
Since his import to the USA, he has continued to rack up accomplishments including 2014 USDF Horse Of The Year and 2016 NDPC AA Champion at 3rd Level.
In 2022 he re-entered the show ring coming 2nd in his very first I1 Open with Emmanuelle Lord. He ended the 2022 season with over 73% in both PSG and I1. In 2023 he continued to excell at Small Tour with Championships and multiple scores over 70% as well as making his IA debut with over 66%. The 2024 show season saw the debut at Medium Tour scoring over 68% at Inter B. At the final show of 2024 Emma and Goldi completed their first Inter 2 scoring over 65% with lots to work on over the winter!!
We are thrilled to have this top quality stallion join us here making him available all over North America from 2021 to 2025 and possibly beyond.
Breeding Fees
Early booking price of $1050.00CAD plus collection until February 1, 2025.
Regular stud fee with LFG for 2025 is $1200.00CAD plus collection. HST applies for Canadian customers.
Multiple mare discounts, Premium/Performance mare discounts and returning customer discounts available.

A few of the many offspring of Golden State NRW.
Then and Now
Selection of photos of Golden State. For more photos please visit our Facebook page